Module 4: Udder Health
Major Objectives: Be able to monitor herd’s udder health data, identify and investigate herd problems of high SCC or clinical mastitis and develop action plans for prevention and treatment
Specific Objectives
- Identify risk factors that affect the mammary host defenses
- Utilize mastitis detection strategies to investigate a mastitis problem
- Utilize mastitis culture results to support decision-making
- Practice targeted, judicious antibiotic therapy for appropriate infections
- Identify and assess on-farm DHI records for udder health
- Produce a mastitis treatment protocol and monitor compliance
December 5, 2017
8:30 am — 9:00 am
Welcome & Introductions
Presenters: Cynthia Miltenburg
9:00 am — 9:45 am
9:45 am — 10:15 am
10:30 am — 10:50 am
10:50 am — 12:15 pm
12:15 pm — 12:30 am
Introduce Case, Hypothesis generation
Presenters: Ann Godkin
12:30 pm — 1:30 pm
1:30 pm — 2:30 pm
2:30 pm — 3:00 pm
Case Study – Next Steps Discussion
Presenters: Ann Godkin
3:00 pm — 3:30 pm
3:30 pm — 4:15 pm
Understanding and Using Culture Results
Presenters: Erin Royster
4:15 pm — 4:45 pm
December 6, 2017
8:30 am — 10:30 am
10:30 am — 10:50 am
10:50 am — 12:30 pm
12:30 pm — 1:30 pm
1:30 pm — 3:00 pm
3:00 pm — 3:30 pm
3:30 pm — 4:45 pm
December 7, 2017
8:30 am — 9:30 am
9:30 pm — 10:30 am
Udder Health DHI Case Studies
Presenters: Ewen Ferguson
10:30 am — 10:50 am
10:50 am — 12:15 am
12:15 am — 12:30 am
Wrap up and assignment
Presenters: Cynthia Miltenburg
12:30 pm — 1:30 pm